Trippi (pronounced, 'tri-pE) is a Java library providing a consistent, thread-safe access point for updating and querying a triplestore. It is similar in spirit to JDBC, but for RDF databases.
In addition to the API, the Trippi distribution comes with two higher-level applications for working with triplestores: A console and a web service. These are described in the following sections.
Trippi connectors currently exist for Sesame, Kowari, Oracle Spatial, and MPTStore. See the Trippi Implementation Guide for details on how to write a Trippi adapter for your own triplestore software.
directory) and using the
Java API.
and make sure
it's in your CLASSPATH. For some help with Log4J configuration,
see the
Log4J XML Configuration Primer.The Trippi console is a text-oriented Java application for working with Trippi-enabled triplestores.
A model is an RDF graph in a triplestore. To create a model using the Trippi console:
trippi -c
Once a profile is created, you can access it within the console
using use myprofile;
, where myprofile
is the name you gave it when you created it.
You can also specify a profile when you start the console. Try this:
trippi -c myprofile
The first time a profile is used in the console, the underlying RDF model is automatically created.
When working with a model in the console you can use the add command to add triples manually, or you can use the load command to load them from a file in one of several formats. The following illustrates both methods, and introduces the count and tripleform commands:
trippi/stest> add <urn:example:Chris> <urn:example:firstName> "Chris"; Adding 1 triples...OK trippi/stest> add <urn:example:Chris> <urn:example:lastName> "Wilper" > <urn:example:Chris> <urn:example:favoriteColor> "Orange"; Adding 2 triples...OK trippi/stest> count; Total Triples : 3 Seconds Elapsed: 0.04 trippi/stest> tripleform; Current Triple Result Format: Turtle Formats Supported: N-Triples, Notation 3, RDF/XML, Turtle trippi/stest> tripleform RDF/XML; New Triple Result Format: RDF/XML trippi/stest> load samples/routes/airports.xml; Loading triples (in RDF/XML format) from samples/routes/airports.xml...OK trippi/stest> count; Total Triples : 2371 Seconds Elapsed: 0.48 trippi/stest>
You have already seen how the tripleform command can be used to specify the triple format for loading RDF. The same command is used to set the serialization format for dumping triples from a model.
The following example sets the format to Turtle, then uses the dump command to serialize all triples to a file in the current directory:
trippi/stest> tripleform turtle; New Triple Result Format: Turtle trippi/stest> dump all-triples.turtle; Dumping triples (in Turtle format) to all-triples.turtle...OK
Trippi supports two broad types of queries: triple queries and tuple queries. To make effective use of Trippi, it's important to understand the difference.
A triple query is one that returns a series of RDF triples: Each response row consists of a subject, predicate, and an object.
A tuple query, on the other hand, returns responses that traditional database users will be more familiar with: Each response row is a map of name-value pairs.
SPO (Subject, Predicate, Object) is a very simple triple query language. It is also the only query language that is guaranteed to be supported by every Trippi-enabled triplestore.
An SPO query consists of three tokens: an RDF subject, predicate, and object. Any (or all) of these tokens can be an asterisk, a wildcard meaning "any". The following example illustrates several different SPO queries.
trippi/stest> tripleform N-Triples; New Triple Result Format: N-Triples trippi/stest> triples spo <urn:example:Chris> <urn:example:firstName> *; <urn:example:Chris> <urn:example:firstName> "Chris" . Total Triples : 1 Seconds Elapsed: 0.02 trippi/stest> triples spo <urn:example:Chris> * *; <urn:example:Chris> <urn:example:firstName> "Chris" . <urn:example:Chris> <urn:example:favoriteColor> "Orange" . <urn:example:Chris> <urn:example:lastName> "Wilper" . Total Triples : 3 Seconds Elapsed: 0.03 trippi/stest> triples spo * <urn:example:favoriteColor> *; <urn:example:Chris> <urn:example:favoriteColor> "Orange" . Total Triples : 1 Seconds Elapsed: 0.03
Note that the SPO query * * * can be used to list all triples in a model. This is the actual query used internally by the console to support the dump command.
Triplestores support a variety of languages that return rows of named values. The queries below illustrate a request for the same data, but from different triplestores (Kowari, then Sesame). The tupleform command is also introduced. You'll notice that it is similar to the tripleform command.
trippi> tupleform; Current Tuple Result Format: TSV Formats Supported: CSV, Simple, Sparql, TSV trippi> tupleform simple; New Tuple Result Format: Simple trippi> use ktest; Connecting to Kowari Test...OK trippi/ktest> tuples > itql > select $miles > $fromName > $toName > from <#ktest> > where $route <travel:miles> $miles > and $miles <tucana:lt> '36' in <#xsd> > and $route <cyc:fromLocation> $from > and $route <cyc:toLocation> $to > and $from <dc:title> $fromName > and $to <dc:title> $toName > order by $miles; miles : "15.0"^^xsd:double fromName : "Berlin Tegel DE" toName : "Berlin Schoenefeld DE" miles : "15.0"^^xsd:double fromName : "Berlin Schoenefeld DE" toName : "Berlin Tegel DE" miles : "31.0"^^xsd:double fromName : "Rishiri JP" toName : "Wakkanai JP" miles : "31.0"^^xsd:double fromName : "Wakkanai JP" toName : "Rishiri JP" miles : "35.0"^^xsd:double fromName : "Cozumel MX" toName : "Cancun MX" miles : "35.0"^^xsd:double fromName : "Cancun MX" toName : "Cozumel MX" Total Tuples : 6 Seconds Elapsed: 0.311 trippi/ktest> use stest; Connecting to Sesame Test...OK trippi/stest> tuples serql select miles, fromName, toName > from {route} travel:miles {miles}, > {route} cyc:fromLocation {fromLoc}, > {route} cyc:toLocation {toLoc}, > {fromLoc} dc:title {fromName}, > {toLoc} dc:title {toName} > where miles < "36"^^xsd:double; miles : "15"^^xsd:double fromName : "Berlin Tegel DE" toName : "Berlin Schoenefeld DE" miles : "15"^^xsd:double fromName : "Berlin Schoenefeld DE" toName : "Berlin Tegel DE" miles : "35"^^xsd:double fromName : "Cancun MX" toName : "Cozumel MX" miles : "35"^^xsd:double fromName : "Cozumel MX" toName : "Cancun MX" miles : "31"^^xsd:double fromName : "Rishiri JP" toName : "Wakkanai JP" miles : "31"^^xsd:double fromName : "Wakkanai JP" toName : "Rishiri JP" Total Tuples : 6 Seconds Elapsed: 1.051
Sometimes it is useful to derive triples from the results of a tuple query. One obvious example is extracting a subgraph. Another example is to transform an RDF graph to another form.
and README-kowari.txt
files in the samples/routes directory show how this can be done for each of these triplestores. Notice that
Sesame includes a special construct command in the query language itself, whereas in
the Kowari example, a tuples-to-triples template is provided and Trippi internally takes
care of the conversion while iterating the results from the server.
The Trippi Web Service is a REST-oriented web service for providing read-only access to Trippi-enabled triplestores.
This guide will eventually explain how to use the service. In the meantime, see the Fedora Resource Index Search Service for a Fedora-oriented guide to the service.
The main interfaces you work with in the Trippi API
are TriplestoreReader
, and
When working with individual triples, the JRDF API is used. This is a triplestore-neutral API that Trippi uses to represent Triples and RDF nodes.
Here is an example illustrating how to do an SPO query using Trippi with Sesame, and dumping the results to an RDF/XML file.
TriplestoreConnector sesame = null; try { String sesameClassName = "org.trippi.impl.SesameConnector"; Map sesameConfig = new HashMap(); sesameConfig.put("storageType", "native"); sesameConfig.put("dir", "/tmp/stest"); sesameConfig.put("autoFlushDormantSeconds", "2"); sesameConfig.put("autoFlushBufferSize", "1000"); sesameConfig.put("bufferSafeCapacity", "2000"); sesameConfig.put("bufferFlushBatchSize", "1000"); TriplestoreConnector sesame = TriplestoreConnector.init(sesameClassName, sesameConfig); TriplestoreReader sesameReader = sesame.getReader(); TripleIterator triples = sesameReader.findTriples("SPO", "* * *", // everything -1, // no limit false); // don't worry // about duplicates triples.toStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("all.xml")), RDFFormat.RDF_XML); } finally { if (sesame != null) { try { sesame.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }